miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Women of Sand / Mujeres de Arena by Humberto Robles

Please join us for an important play called Women of Sand / Mujeres de Arena.
The play is built around four dramatic monologues by women who have been impacted by the femicide in Ciudad Juarez. The monologues are framed by “choral readings” that challenge the civic leaders to act on them and highlight both the economic and sexist roots underlying the situation. It has been performed in 20 countries and in 15 languages.
The women are drawn to border cities where US-based corporations have built thousands of “maquiladoras” (factories and sweatshops) to earn money to send home to their families.  Isolated from family and friends, they work long hours and often live miles away in shanty towns on the outskirts of the cities. Some are indigenous and may not even speak Spanish. This situation leaves them vulnerable to the kind of abuse and murder that the play presents.
More details about the time and location can be found here.
-Robin Sacks